Sunday, February 24, 2013

Welcome to My Space Jam

The first time I saw the "Kid President" video, I was immediately a fan of the viral Youtube sensation and completely believed that what the young president had to say. Too many people today are content with keeping the norm, being apathetic and letting things go by without challenging them or making them better. Before seeing the assignment for this week's post I had never giving much thought into what my "Space Jam" would be. To be quite honest I'm still not sure. I do know however that as I grow up and as I further my education and later on my career,  that I will work as hard as I can and do everything to the best of my ability. Each person that has ever lived has been given special God-given abilities that will enable them to do great things. What good is it to throw away those talents? What good is it to waste that ability that can impact somebody's life? My Space Jam will be an attitude or a mindset. A mindset that no matter what it is that I do that I'm going to give it all I can so say that I didn't waste my ability. This attitude can be most accredited to my parents who have modeled this type of lifestyle and have instilled that characteristic in me. Perseverance through hard or difficult times not only shape us as humans and grow us, but also makes getting to the other side so much more rewarding. What if Jordan had quit? Obviously that would lay to rest the argument about who's better, Lebron or MJ, but the basketball world that we know would not be the same. It is those who don't quit and don't give up that are remembered. Those who quit and give up are also remembered. However they are remembered as the person who failed and didn't try again and didn't succeed. I know which one I want to be and intend on doing everything to ensure that I am remembered for persevering and finishing the race set before me.

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