Monday, February 4, 2013

Monotasking- John Perrow

In today’s world, people are always trying to accomplish more than one thing at a time, which in reality can cause lots of distractions. After watching this video, I realized that I do this way too much during my typical day at school. Throughout the day, I usually pull out my cell phone during class to see what time it is, and then next thing I know is that I am checking Facebook, Twitter, the news, or just playing games when I should be paying attention to the class lecture. I have found that the biggest distraction that I have is texting when I am trying to accomplish a job. For this assignment, I decided to turn off my cell phone while I was trying to do some homework this afternoon. I was able to concentrate better and I was able to finish the homework much faster than I would have been able to if I had had my cell phone next to me. While I began to work on another assignment for another class, I remembered that I was supposed to put a load of clothes in the washing machine because I was running out of clothes to wear. When I finished putting the clothes in the washing machine, I remembered that I needed to take the clothes out the drier and fold them so that they wouldn’t get wrinkled. After doing that, I came back to my desk and sat down to finish my homework, and I had completely forgotten where I had left off working out the problem. I then realized that the whole point of this blog assignment was to monotask, and that I had completely failed. I proceeded to finish my homework without any distractions. Monotasking is a hard thing to do when you are used to multitasking, but it is definitely more efficient.

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