Sunday, February 10, 2013

Constitutional Rights

For my Research Argument Assignment, I have decided to research and report the Second Amendment to the United States Constitution and write about how it is important that the rights of American's to own and bear arms remains a necessary and vital part of our lives. I have decided to write on this topic for a few reasons. The biggest reason is that owning and exercising my second amendment right has been a huge part of my life up until now. I am sure it will be an even bigger part in the near future as gun-control debates continue to arise and talks of infringing on the second amendment become a part of everyday life. Throughout my research I want to be sure I present my argument in a clear and well defined way with my points made strongly yet respectfully. I am going to need to research not only the Bill of Rights but also some of the modern gun legislation and other important factors. If I was to write my thesis today, it would probably sound something like this: "For over 200 years, the Second Amendment has protected the civil liberties of American's by allowing them to possess guns and I want to ensure that this is something that will never change by revealing to people that this amendment is constitutional and essential for survival." While rough on the surface, this thesis will eventually embody my reasoning for writing this paper in a way that shows to people that the second amendment must not be tampered with or infringed upon. I believe this is an important topic to cover because it is definitely a huge political issue today. People are being told that guns are evil, that they are responsible for crimes and many other twisted lies. I want those to read my paper and understand that guns are a wonderful privilege to have and gun rights are essential to surviving.

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