Monday, February 11, 2013

Emily Griffin Freewrite

The topic I have chosen for my research paper is the fast food industry and the issues surrounding it. This subject interests me due to the overwhelming “takeover” of the fast food restaurants seen in the recent years. Growing up, eating at Wendy’s or Burger King was a reoccurring routine that my family and I did, so this gives me the perfect opportunity to discover exactly what I was putting into my body. When I was younger I remember watching the movie Supersize Me and since then I have always been intrigued by the fast food industry, wanting to learn more about it.  Also, during my junior year of high school I was required to read the expose Fast Food Nation, so I feel as if I already have some knowledge on this topic.

Some of the questions that will guide my research will be: Should we blame fast food restaurants for the increase in obesity? When does it become an individual’s responsibility? When and how do people place the blame? In addition, I want to discuss how the fast food industry attracts their consumers and shed some light on exactly what is in the fast food everyone knows and loves.

As of right now I am not sure on my thesis or what stance I should take on the paper. However, I think I will definitely argue whether or not fast food restaurants are to blame for the surge in obesity.

Possible sources I can see myself using is the book Fast Food Nation (I want to look back at some of the notes I took in the book), statistics on both obesity and the fast food industry, and other articles regarding the topic.

What readers should take away from my essay is that there is a growing issue in the fast food industry. It benefits them because they are surrounded by these types of restaurants everyday. This topic pertains to their daily lives. Finally, they should listen to me because if something is not done about the industry and the problems encompassing it, they are only going to grow.

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