Monday, February 11, 2013

Rachel Rogers Freewrite

I have chosen to write about how important women in America and Great Britain, including Michelle Obama and Kate Middleton, can influence our societies fashion trends by what they chose to wear on a day to day basis.  I chose this as my topic because I am interested in fashion and have always enjoyed watching what celebrities chose to wear. I am also interested in politics and both Michelle and Kate are involved in politics and are very influential in those ways. It also interests me because I am hoping to become an influential women involved in politics and I am planning on being well dressed as I do so. Some things that I will be using to guide my research will be the statistics on how sales of certain designers are affected once one of these women wears a piece of their clothing. I also will look into the psychology behind what makes a young girl in America want to wear the things that these women do. My preliminary thesis will be that Michelle Obama and Kate Middleton have a powerful effect on the fashion trends for girls in our society.  I haven’t done enough research as of now to know of many scholarly sources that could help me on this topic but I am sure there are some existing. I could possibly use research from a psychologist who has done research on the topic of how these women influences young women and why. I also plan on using information from social sources including magazines and fashion experts about how these women dress and why the wear what they do. I chose this topic to write about because I did not want to choose a cliché topic, like gun control, because I feel like this would be more interesting. I think that people should listen to me about this topic because it is important to know that something as simple as a dress can change our society solely because an influential women chose to wear it.  

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