Monday, February 18, 2013

Drinking Age-Ellie Mintz


I chose this advertisement because it reaches out to many different age groups. This is just one of a series of binge drinking ads from New Zealand. I think this ad can relate to not only relate to adults because of the adults in the picture but also to teenagers through somewhat of a scare factor. No adult ever wants to be an alcoholic parent who neglects their child. This may act as a wakeup call to someone about their drinking. This may also show teenagers that while it is all fun and games now, drinking is definitely a serious thing. My topic is lowering the drinking age to 18 so an advertisement like this is definitely relevant. While I do believe the drinking age should be lowered, I’m not oblivious to the fact that drinking and binge drinking in particular can have serious impacts on not only the drinker but those around him or her. I don’t think it really affects the way I view my topic because I know the reality of drinking and the responsibility that comes along with it. I am not under the impression that drinking alcohol is something to be taken lightly. However, I do think that those under 21 are the ones normally blamed for accidents caused by drinking. In reality, people over the age of 21 also drink and possibly abuse alcohol as well. This picture implies there is a drinking problem in New Zealand but probably the rest of the world too. It suggests that drinking has become a serious issue in people’s home lives and that it is negatively impacting children and families. The argument being made in this advertisement may influence some people to support a higher drinking age but it may also show people that teenagers aren’t necessarily the ones we should be watching. 

Macleod, Duncan. "ALAC Glass Treatment for Binge Drinking." The Inspiration Room. N.p., 3 May 2008. Web. 18 Feb. 2013. <>.

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