Monday, February 18, 2013

Katelynn Gulya -Rhetorical Source

I recently watched the documentary called Food, Inc. In the documentary, it shared a lot about the food production industry and some of its major flaws. Although a majority of the scenes in the film were about crop farmers, some of the scenes were related to my research topic- the quality of life of animals reared for meat production. It was really alarming to see the way that chickens and other animals are treated before they are slaughtered in the meat production industry. In a couple of different scenes it shows chickens that have been raised in a family-owned barn for the Tyson Chicken Company and Perdue Chicken Company. The chickens were treated well by the family that was raising them; however, when the employees of the major corporations came to pick the chickens up, for transport to the slaughter houses, they were brutally thrown into crates and some were even run over and killed by big trucks. The families that owned the small chicken farms were letting the directors of the film record the Tyson and Perdue employees because they were tired of how poorly the chickens were being treated. When I see things like this filmed on camera it really makes me think of how terrible these animals lives are and makes me wonder what changes can be made. It is sad and the entire process needs to be changed. I think that this will be a good rhetorical source to use in my paper because of the brutality that it shows. Also, it will be good to use the opinions of the small, business owners too because they seemed to be very disappointed and alarmed with the way that the product they spent time to carefully raise, is being treated. I will also try and watch the Temple Grandin Documentary to form more opinions for my paper. I am not sure what I will use for my third rhetorical source but I will have to find something that I disagree with. 

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