Monday, February 25, 2013

Space Jam - John Perrow

Before I began to write this blog post, I watched this video by SoulPancake that I had heard about before but had never taken the time to watch it. After watching it three times, I began to think about what exactly was the message that the little boy was trying to relay to the audience listening and watching this video. “Kid President” states in the beginning that being boring is easy, and that anyone can be boring without little or no effort. He talks about how life isn’t a game, but it is real because you’ve got air coming out of your nose and your heart is beating. Because you are alive, you need to do something with your life and not just sit around doing nothing. “Kid President” talks about how you should choose the road less traveled, even if it is more difficult to overcome. He talks about what will be your space jam, and quite frankly that is one of the hardest questions to answer. Your space jam will determine the way you live your life by the decisions you make. You should not sit around and have a boring life; everyone needs to do something with his or her life and be successful. Everyone should strive to achieve goals. He states that everyone is made to be awesome, so why wait? What will be your space jam? Honestly, I do not know what my space jam is going to be, but I strive each to day to be successful. You may not know what your space jam is right now, but your future holds to key to discovering it if you haven’t already found it. Your time is now to strive to find your space jam. Go create something that will make the world an awesome place.

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