Monday, February 11, 2013

The Drinking Age-Ellie Mintz

I have chosen lowering the drinking age to 18 to be topic for my research paper. This in particular interests me because it is an issue that is affecting myself and those around me directly. We are at the age in question and many of us have strong opinions about drinking in general. Once you turn 18 in this country you are allowed to buy cigarettes, join the military, go to prison, and so many other things. You are considered an adult by the age of 18 and many people feel that if they are able to join the military and do all of these things then they should be able to crack open a cold beer and relax. A few questions I think will be necessary to my paper are how important is drinking to those between 18 and 21? What will be the consequences, good or bad, resulting from lowering the drinking age? Will there be an impact on society at all? What are the risks involved compared to the potential benefits? Personally I feel the drinking age should be lowered to 18 as a way to give more responsibility to those entering adulthood as well as a way of prevention. I feel that if we don’t make as big of a deal about drinking, like countries in Europe for example, there is a possibility the people able to drink won’t be as reckless. Europeans grow up around alcohol and there seems to be a lot fewer problems with it there compared to the problems we encounter in the U.S. I know there are tons of studies on how alcohol affects the body as well as articles written on both sides of the argument that I could use as support in my research. Readers would be able to take away a well rounded opinion from my report and perhaps begin to think about their own stance on the issue. The drinking age is something that eventually involves everyone at some point and I think it is important to make an educated decision on how you feel about it. 

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