Monday, February 25, 2013

Rachels Space Jam

I am a huge fan of this video. The first time that I watched it I fell in the love with the little boy and thought it was the cutest thing ever. The kid presents a topic that is really present in society today. I feel that many people have pessimistic attitudes about our country and life in general. There are so many complaints about our government and how people act, but no one tends to do anything about it. If every person that complained would take a step towards making our world better then there would be a lot less to complain about. I do not really know what my space jam is career wise. I do not know what I really want to do in the future and how that will impact our world, but I do know what my space jam is for the near future. Even though it seems to be such a small and tedious thing, my space jam is to be a happier and friendlier person every day. It can make a huge difference in someone’s day just by saying hello and giving them a big smile.  I want to make people smile and laugh every day and help brighten their world, even if it is only for a day. If everyone had the intention of just smiling a little more, or laughing a little harder then things wouldn’t always have to be so negative. Instead of sitting around complaining about what is wrong, get up and go have fun with what we do have. If the attitudes of people are better, then there is a better chance of fixing the things that really are wrong in our world. Even if I cannot personally do anything to change the world drastically right now, I can put a smile on my face and put a smile on other people’s faces.

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