Monday, February 11, 2013

Katelynn Gulya -Research Topic Free write

For my research paper I am going to write about animal welfare in slaughterhouses. This topic is important to me because I am an animal and veterinary sciences major and I care about how animals are treated. I especially care how animals being raised and slaughtered for the meat production are treated. I recently watched a documentary called Food Inc. and it brought up some very concerning situations. It showed major meat producers and how their animals are treated while being raised. It was horrifying to see how they were treated before they were even sent to the slaughterhouses. In my paper I will talk about how to improve the treatment of these animals and also ways to improve the actual slaughtering process. I will probably discuss Temple Grandin’s improvements to slaughterhouses and I can use the Temple Grandin documentary as a source of information. I also will be able to find a couple of different articles on the Cooper Library research website. I will hopefully be able to find articles that discuss how animals feel in different situations. Then I can apply that information into a way that would advise business owners to improve their slaughterhouse’s conditions to make the animals more comfortable and to put them through less pain and suffering. I think that this is an important topic to discuss because it affects the majority of the world’s population on a daily basis. It is important for consumers to know that what they are consuming was treated well during its life so that they know that it is a healthy product to eat. It is also important to make consumes feel better about how slaughtering animals actually is and to know that it is more humane. Finding ways to improve the quality of life of animals raised for meat is important to me and I think that it will be an interesting research topic. 

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