Monday, February 11, 2013

Aubrey research paper topic

My topic for this assignment is animal cruelty. The reason I chose this topic was because I am an animal and veterinary science major. I want what is best for animals and one day I hope to become a veterinarian. I think that there are a lot of cases in the news and other media sources on animal cruelty that we see every day. Animals are almost defenseless against humans because they can’t tell someone to help them. They can’t go to the police and say that they are being beaten or mistreated like a human being can. Some questions that will be guiding my research will be, how many cases of animal cruelty are reported each year, what animals are the main targets of animal cruelty and what laws are in place to stop animal cruelty? If I were to come up with a thesis now it would be something like; throughout America many cases of animal cruelty are reported each year, many cases go unnoticed or reported, and not a lot is done to stop the cruelty from continuing. Some sources I could use would include the ASPCA website as well as articles, articles written on animal cruelty, news reports of animal cruelty, as well as articles written by veterinarians and animal specialists. What I want my readers to take away from my paper will be that it is our responsibility as humans to help these animals that are being mistreated and that more laws need to be put in place to stop it as well as the fact that more funding is needed for the groups that stop animal cruelty. I want to emphasize how wrong it is to abuse an animal just because we know we probably won’t get caught. I want to grab the reader’s attention and connect with them on a personal level. Many people in the US have companion animals which they care for dearly. To make these pet owners aware of the harm being done to other animals that aren’t being loved is the main goal of this paper.

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