Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Emily Kalshoven - Sex Ed


My paper is going to be on the idea that sex education is failing in our country. Teen pregnancy has become a common occurrence in our society and I believe that we should be working harder to prevent this problem. We should be trying to correct the skewed images that young teens have about the idea of pregnancy. Instead of trying to backtrack and correct these problems, we are actually encouraging this sort of behavior. With shows like “16 and Pregnant” and “Teen Mom” on television, it enforces the idea that teen pregnancy is normal and common. Young adults often watch these television shows for the laughs – who wouldn’t want to laugh at the idiotic things on these shows? I believe it is okay for young adults and older teenagers to watch these shows because we are able to discern right from wrong better and decide that it would not be the best idea to turn out like the girls on this show. Even if this show did encourage an 18 year old to get pregnant, it may be stupid, but it is a little more normal to see a girl of 18 pregnant. However, for the younger teenagers and preteens (ages 10-17), these young girls may not be able to distinguish what is so bad about these shows. Instead of encouraging young girls to grow up a little bit and find themselves and make something of themselves, these shows send the message that it is commonplace to have a child and drop out of high school. These shows send the message that if you screw up and get pregnant, you won’t have to worry about the consequences (actually raising a child) and you’ll get a television show out of it. Instead of having shows that are empowering and encouraging to young women, these shows enforce the idea that it is okay to screw up because someone else will clean up your mess for you.

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