Monday, February 11, 2013

Bully prevention Cate Marr

The topic I have chosen to do for my research is on bullying and what the government should do to prevent it. This subject caught my eye for several reasons. Bullying is something that almost everyone has experienced. Whether they were the ones being bullied or the instigator, it is universal. Bullying starts at a young age and can go on until adulthood. This interests me because I am a psychology major. A career that I am thinking of pursuing is to be a counselor or therapist for adolescents. Bullying is a huge part of what teenagers have to go through, and it would be one of the things that I could help my future patients with.
The big questions I would focus on would be what is the government doing to stop bullying from occurring so often? How have technology and society today effected bullying negatively? What do the schools do to punish and stop bullying from happening? These are just a few things I would touch on and discuss to get my point across. Bullying ruins self-confidence in kids, makes them not want to attend school, and in some cases causes self harm. Many cases you hear in the news of teenage suicide is related to bullying. The sad thing is this can be prevented and I want my paper to get the point across of what people can do to end it.
To find information on this subject I would search PACER, the National Bullying Prevention Center. I would also look up cases of bullying and find documents where the government gets involved . I want my readers to know that there are ways to stop something so life changing and harmful. They should finish reading this and realize how beneficial it would be if the government intervened and passed laws against this issue.

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