Monday, February 4, 2013

Monotasking-Ellie Mintz

I chose listening to a song as my first “monotasking” experience. It was definitely harder than I thought it would be to not just pick up my phone or log on to Facebook. I had forgotten how long it had been since I really listened to the words and meaning of a song instead of just the tune or the beat. I made sure to turn my phone over so I was unable to see if it lit up but I was still surprised by how many times I reached for it to check if I had any texts or calls. Even though it was difficult, I think I need more monotasking in my life and a lot less multitasking. I have a feeling if I tried to focus on one task at a time instead of worrying about everything at once I would be a lot less stressed and get a lot more done in a day. I feel like I waste so much time stressing about the long list of things I need to accomplish in a day that I never truly focus on anything. It seems that nowadays life is more about how much you can get done and how quickly rather than enjoying what you are doing. Efficiency has taken over our lives and become the center piece of society. As a matter of fact, while I told my roommate about this assignment and the concept behind it she texted people back and danced around the room while talking to me. This is a perfect example of the lack of focus we experience every day. Unfortunately, I think the idea of monotasking is appreciated by everyone but in reality it is nearly impossible. Efficiency is too desirable and too necessary to success in today’s society that slowing down at all would put you too far behind. 

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