Tuesday, February 12, 2013


The Bengal Tiger

Throughout my life, I have had one interest remain steady.  Many of you may think, “Oh, he probably has always liked to eat food,” or “here we go again, a long conversation about dinosaurs,” and if these thoughts bounced around in your mind, you would be wrong.  Ever since I was a young, young, man (we are talking four years old here) I have had an unshakable interest in the affairs of the Siberian Bengal tiger.  Where the beginnings of this profound interest arose, I cannot say for sure, however, I believe that the obsession has had at least something to do with both of my parents being graduates of the Clemson University (the greatest university in the state of south Carolina).  I suppose even while I was in the woumb, I was probably hearing “go tigers!” and the “rawr!” of the tiger that sits atop the scoreboard at Clemson Memorial Stadium.  Bengal Tigers are, in my opinion, the greatest creatures to ever walk the earth (besides English Labrador puppies).  Not only are the massive in size and strength, but they are majestic in beauty.  No other creature in the wild has such profound statements of the divine on its coat of many colors.  However, the tiger is currently plagued by a very serious problem.  Ruthless killers in his homeland threaten his very existence.  Hunted primarily for fur, outlaws are slaughtering my favorite animal at a rate that is unsustainable.  Fortunately, many special interest groups are on the ground as we speak fighting for a sustainable future for this great beast.  It is my belief that the great Siberian Bengal tiger will never be hunted to extinction.  An animal as majestic and mighty as the tiger will one day rise up and extinguish human violence by force, tearing us apart with jaws that have no mercy.

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