Monday, February 4, 2013

Darby Jackson Monotasking

I’m not even going to lie, right now I have Spotify opened playing music, my Facebook open with nothing new to see, and my Twitter feed updating every second. Distractions are a huge problem for me. I know I have a problem with them, I haven’t ever denied it. But the fact of the matter is, I haven’t ever really cared. I mean, as long as I can still be a little entertained while doing work, I don’t really care if it takes two hours longer than it should. I actually have an app on my computer that can block certain websites for a certain amount of time to eliminate distractions. I’ve used it maybe twice in the year I’ve had it. And I seriously just got on Facebook and scrolled through my friend’s new pictures she uploaded. I have a problem.
So maybe for this specific assignment I should turn off all distractions to get it done. All my music is now off and Facebook and Twitter is closed. I’m typing vigorously on this Word document. There are also a million other distractions around in Hendrix where I'm doing this assignment. A huge TV is in front of me showing a cheesy Soap Opera show, a girl is eating a delicious looking bagel from Einstein’s, and there’s a really cute guy with a Dunder Mifflin sticker on his computer that just sat down across from me (I think I’m in love).  The point I’m getting at is that there are so many distractions in this world—some controllable and some are not. Even with doing everything in my power to get rid of the distractions on my computer or phone, there are still numerous ones around me. So even though it has taken me a lot less time to get this assignment done without my Facebook, Twitter, and music up, it still hasn’t gone completely smooth. Getting out of the multitasking habit is a long process, but it is possible, and it will save me a ton of time.
            I feel good about what I’ve done though. I was able to finish this blog post quicker than any other one before and now I have time to do some Physics homework before I head to math class. I should probably try this more often. Saving time is a wonderful thing, especially for a college student like me.

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