Monday, February 25, 2013

Bradley's "Space Jam"

I had heard about this video but I never got around to watching it before this assignment. I thought the delivery of the message made by SoulPancake was very effective and it kept the audience entertained through out the video. The video would not have been nearly as effective if you had a grown up person telling you to never quit and to find your “space jam”. The use of the cute little boy giving grown up advise made the video much more convincing.  For me it’s hard to say what my “space jam” is going to be. I am going to be an elementary education so I hope to inspire children to never give up on their dreams no matter how extreme they seem or who tells them that they can’t accomplish it. After seeing this video I hope to be able to give that type of encouragement to my classroom one day. I think that all of these videos are great and I plan on showing my students and letting them know that no matter how hard life gets that they can’t give up and that if they keep going it will truly benefit them in the long run. I also think this video would be great to show in the classroom because no matter how many times they here this message from a teacher or a parent, hearing it from someone who is more their age will have a greater impact on the child.  I hope to apply this also to my life, that no matter how hard something seems I know that it will be worth it in the end and that I can’t quit because you never know what you could be missing out on. I hope that this translate into my teaching and I hope that I can be someone who constantly is encouraging my students to find their “space jam”.

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