Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Constitutional Rights Article

For this week's blog post, I chose to talk about an article from the National Rifle Association concerning the recently hot and volatile topic of gun control and restriction of the second amendment in America. I chose this source because the National Rifle Association (NRA) has been on the front lines in defense of the second amendment throughout its entire existence and seeks to protect and defend this inalienable right. The NRA is the country's largest force for pro-gun rights and the largest pro second amendment advocate on Capitol Hill. The NRA seeks to ensure the second amendment is not only preserved, but interpreted properly and kept so that none of the entitlements of the second amendment are infringed. This article aligns perfectly with my position on the issue of gun control and how I believe it is not the government's place to legislate what kinds of guns I can carry, how many rounds I can carry, and other restricting laws that are the effect of large government. For anybody that hasn't been living under a rock for the past year or so will know that the NRA has been front and center on this issue. Lately, Executive Vice President of the pro-gun organization Wayne LaPierre has delivered several important and meaningful speeches concerning this issue at hand. While enduring heavy criticism, LaPierre has done his best to inform the uninformed on what the real issue at hand is. This article does that very same thing. Again, anybody who has seen any news lately knows that he has taken heavy criticism from the White House, anti-gun proponents, and other groups that are seeking to infringe upon the rights of citizens to keep and bear arms. This article does a great job illustrating the point that I am trying to make with my Rhetorical Analysis Assignment.

LaPierre, Wayne. "Why "Universal" Checks Won't WOrk." NRA. N.p., n.d. Web. 18 Feb. 2013. <http://home.nra.org/>

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