Sunday, February 10, 2013

oh please not another obesity paper

For my research paper I am going to write about obesity, but not just the standard paper on how it is a huge problem it todays society. I am going to talk about how individuals should be held accountable for their choices on the food they choose to eat and not be able to sew food companies such as McDonalds. As a food science major with an interest in becoming a dietitian I am interested about how what you put into your body affects so many aspects of your life. The biggest aspect would be a persons overall health, and even with just a basic understanding of food or caloric intake individuals should be able to understand the types of foods they need to take in. Everyone makes the conscious decision about what they put into their body and the food we choose to put ingest can have giant effects on our bodies. For my research I am going to look into some previous reasons that people have sewed food companies, and from there I will further research each of the reasons. For example, a group of overweight students from New York filed a lawsuit against McDonalds and sought compensation for their obesity related health problems and wanted improved labeling of McDonalds products. I am not arguing that McDonalds serves healthy food in anyway, but they cannot be blamed for the children constantly eating the fast food and becoming obese. Deep-fried anything is never beneficial to your health and choosing to eat these types of greasy products is the choice of consumer. Blaming a company that serves unhealthy food for your increased risk of heart disease and increased blood pressure is illogical. They do not force anyone to eat their products, people choose to and thereby choose to increase their risk for health problems. For my scholarly sources I will look up old lawsuits and case studies of the health related topics and for my rhetorical sources I will look up cartoons that imply fast food companies are to blame for obesity. I think this is an important topic for people to understand because obesity is rapidly turning into Americas number one health concern and every overweight person cannot decide to blame their poor decision making on fast food companies. 

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