Saturday, February 16, 2013

Mural Mural on the Wall

Description: he Children of the World Dream of Peace artwork
Description: n Peace and Harmony with Nature artwork

I have chosen my research paper topic to be about the conspiracy theory concerning the Denver Airport. There are many logical points and reasons that people are skeptical about what the Denver Airport really is, or the purpose it was built. One of the reasons is because of the murals that are painted on the wall within the airport on the walls. It is pretty cool how I am analyzing visual rhetoric within this project after we have been studying it for the past few weeks in English class. These photos by Susan Gerbic show the murals that are on the walls. These murals are one, if not the most important areas of my research.
            It is well known that a picture is worth a thousand words. The interpretation of this mural is up to the individual who is viewing it. I am going to try to analyze this photo in a way that tries to get to the bottom of what the person painting was thinking when they painted it, or why they put these images on the wall. These pictures have recently been painted over. That will also make a huge impact on my research.
            I chose this picture because it is a pivotal part of my paper. Also, it is open to the public in the airport and it was a form of rhetoric for the people to see. What was that rhetoric is the question. Is it to make the people think about the peace that may come in the future? Or is it to have a sign of the New World Order or Illuminati and have a hidden message? That is what I am going to try to figure out.
            This mural has a great implication culturally, politically, and socially if this theory from the skeptics is true. This would be a global ordeal, affecting everyone. I know I will not find a definite answer, but I can make an educated guess about what is really going on at this sketchy airport if I put away my biased opinions and look at the facts.

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