Thursday, February 28, 2013


My topic is animal cruelty and how it can lead to spousal or child abuse. I also am arguing for more aid and funding to fight the war on animal cruelty. A counterargument could be that these are two completely unrelated things and we are just trying to draw a parallel that isn’t there. Someone could say that just because you abuse and animal does not mean you would ever harm another person. People could also say that animal cruelty is not that big of an issue. They could say our efforts could be better used in fighting the war on hunger or poverty. If someone is not an animal lover they could say that there isn’t an issue with animal abuse because they don’t have rights and a lot of animals that are abused are in large commercial factories where they are going to be killed an eaten anyways. They could say that if they are going to die for us to eat them there is no reason they should be taken care of. Someone could say that organizations such as the ASPCA just want money to spend on things that don’t affect us. They could also say that the ASPCA and other organizations like them do not really make any impact at all in the large scheme of things and we are just wasting time and money against a war we will never win. People could say that if a person owns an animal it is there right to be able to treat however they want to and we can’t interfere. All of these claims seem harsh but there are certainly individuals who believe them. Where there is one opinion there will always be another and just because I believe animal abuse is wrong and can lead to other abuse doesn’t mean someone else can’t think the complete opposite.

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