Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Space Jam

What will be my “Space Jam”?  I’ll have to admit, it’s a difficult question.  I don’t want to make movies.  What I do have a passion for, however, is changing lives.  Correction—I have a passion for seeing lives changed.  That’s not it… Hold on… I have a passion… to see… hearts changed.  I have a passion to see hearts change.  But not just hearts, hearts and lives.  Because, as we all know, a change in heart, soul, the core of a person changes everything.  It tends to be something like a nuclear chain reaction.  What I’m trying to say is… lives blow up.  Blow up in a good way, of course.  Not only are the lives of those whose hearts are changed but in the lives of all of those who are in contact with those whose hearts are changed.  I’d like to go a step further.  I have a passion to see hearts and lives change other hearts and lives.  For the better, of course.  Back to Space Jam… So, I suppose, in a perfect world, my “Space Jam”, my contribution to the world to make it “more awesome”, would be my influence on the lives of all of those surrounding me that would change hearts and lives.  I suppose at this point in the blog post everyone is wondering what exactly is going to change and how it’s going to be changed.  That’s an awfully fair question.  The answer is simple, what’s going to change are people’s relationship with God, and they’re going to change through the proclamation of the gospel of Jesus Christ.  That’s the only way anyone has ever been reconciled with God, and it’s the only way anyone will ever be reconciled to Him moving forward to eternity.  I would challenge all those who are skeptical of such reconciliation to investigate the matter themselves.  The Truth will set you free. 

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