Sunday, February 3, 2013

Jake doesn't have MONO

I thought that this particular TEDTalk was interesting. I never really thought of myself of being a monotasker.  I am always on the go, or I always have somewhere to be. To be honest, I am struggling to find a time that I monotask. One  thing that I do on a regular basis that might be considered monotasking is brushing my teeth. Even that is a stretch because I brush my teeth in the shower most of the time.
This trip to the sink, the only task that I was working on was brushing my teeth. I could have done a number of other things while brushing my teeth, but my focus was solely on getting the job done, and doing the job right. There were quite a few distractions that I encountered while brushing my teeth. First off, one of my good friends walked in while I was patiently trying to accomplish the task at hand. He had a crazy story to tell me and it immediately distracted me. I was so focused on what he had to say that I lost my form in my brushing stroke. I had to refocus. He finally left, and I had completely forgot that I had a brush in my hand. By then, the brush was all dry and hard. I had to start all over.
            I honestly think that I am incapable of doing one thing at a time. In the world we live in today, multitasking is a desired attribute to a person or even a product. Everything these days are faster and more productive. Like he was saying in this video, sometimes those do not go hand in hand. I honestly feel that I work better while doing multiple things at a time. I do not have much experience with monotasking but I think that it is a good practice to take into the library and use it while studying. That is the takeaway that I gleaned from this video. Hopefully I will see a drastic  increase in grades while monotasking in the library.

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