Monday, February 11, 2013

Research Topic- John Perrow

For this research assignment, I have decided to write about lowering the drinking age in the United States. This topic interests me because it is an issue that I have never fully understood why the legal drinking age is twenty-one, not eighteen. When you turn eighteen, you are considered an adult here in the United States. Because you are considered an adult, I believe that you should be able to make your own decisions, such as buying and consuming alcohol. There are many questions that have been proposed when this topic comes up in a conversation amongst many American citizens. Would lowering the drinking age cause more or less alcohol related accidents? Does consuming alcohol at a younger age affect the brain? These questions are several among hundreds of other questions that can be discussed about this issue. Many Americans feel that if you are old enough to be able to make the decision to vote for a national leader then you should be allowed to purchase alcohol.  The argument is also proposed that if you are willing to put your life on the line for your country, why should you not be allowed to enjoy a cool beverage after a long day defending the country you love?  There are many pros and cons that can be discussed regarding the drinking age. Many scientific studies have been conducted on the affects of alcohol on the human body that may support or disprove this current issue. The drinking age has always been a controversial topic here in the United States, and it continues to do to so today. I believe that the facts should not just be presented to those who are in favor of lowering the drinking age to eighteen or those who make lawmaking decisions, but to all citizens regardless of age. Changing the drinking age could have positive or negative effects, so I believe that this issue needs to be addressed clearly.

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