Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Kenya dig it?

For my research argument assignment, I want to talk about supporting third world countries, and talk about it well. Countries like Kenya and Nicaragua are countries that I'm incredibly passionate about, whether it's meeting a physical need for a village or going to take the gospel to those who don't know about it. While I believe that lots of countries in Africa and Central America need someone to come in and meet the needs of those there, I disagree that that’s all we’re called to do. I think a lot of the trouble you run in to when you bring up the subject of dealing with third world countries are A) the people who just want to do everything for a village or country, but doesn’t want to teach the people there how to do things; or B) the people who think first world countries shouldn’t help third world countries without debt repayment because of the economic mark it will leave on them.
            I’ve been seriously gifted with a compassionate heart that deals heavily with missions and wanting to go and DO things for other people who can’t do things for themselves. I’ve gotten to go to Nicaragua twice to give out shoes through a ministry at my church, and I have the opportunity to travel to Kenya this summer through the LoveAfrica ministry housed in North Carolina. There are so many ways to get involved that a lot of people don’t realize can be beyond simply giving money or actually going to these countries, because trust me- I realize that it can be terrifying to get on a plane and go to a place that’s not necessarily safe. But I think that’s the cool thing about supporting an organization that builds wells in villages in Rwanda, or a website that sells scarves directly made from women in Uganda who use the profits from those scarves to go to school – you can help in such a cool way. I promise it’s not hard. 

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