Monday, February 11, 2013

Bri- topic

The topic I chose to write my paper on is that of religion. I was born Catholic, but my mom decided to raise me without a religion so that I could later decide one for myself. Many people believe that in order to be a good person and to have a good afterlife, one must commit to a religion, but I disagree. I believe that good morals make someone a good person, which can be anyone practicing any religion, and even those who do not practice any. One of my main questions regarding my topic will ask how it is possible that there could be one God who only accepts people of a certain faith into Heaven, Nirvana, etc. Another would address the fact that there are a lot of people who have the same morals as the religious, yet they are believed to still be damned because they do not accept Jesus or pray multiple times a day. My preliminary hypothesis is that there is no right religion; religion is man’s way of setting boundaries and determining right from wrong. My sources will most likely include texts such as the Bible and the Quran. I will also look to scientists and anthropologists to help support my theory, as they look at things with logic and evidence. The “so what” of my essay is simply to open my readers’ minds. We are in an era where people question everything, religion included. No one should feel badly about their beliefs as long as they are good people. Religion does not define us and should not separate the world, as it has for thousands of years. Some people take religion too literally and make nonbelievers feel badly about themselves when they should not. Religion should make the world a better place, yet it usually does the opposite. 

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