Monday, February 18, 2013

Rachel Rogers Rhetorical Source

I chose this magazine edition of Vogue from March 2009 for many different reasons. I chose this source because Michelle Obama is on the cover of the magazine and she is one of the women that I want to write about in my paper. It relates to my topic because Mrs. Obama is one of the women that I am going to write about and because the magazine Vogue has a huge influence on the world of fashion because it is obviously a fashion magazine. On the cover itself one of the subtitles is “spring fashion special, every look that matters.” This magazine supports how I feel about my topic because Vogue is such a popular and influential fashion magazine and with Michelle on the cover it shows that she is not just a political figure to our society. She is also a fashion leader and a trend setter for modern women in our society today. I know as a young woman that I enjoy looking at the Vogue magazine to catch up on the newest trends and what is popular in fashion. Michelle Obama has been seen in the news and she has appeared in many different magazines and on many websites due to her choices of clothing. There is always a constant buzz about what she is wearing. The way she dresses represents a powerful and dignified woman that is very respectable and conservative but also enjoys fashion and can look good while doing this. She has political power and is very influential; she is not just a super star or an actor that girls look to for fashion influence. The way that people look up to her fashion sense also says something about our culture. Women in today’s society do take pride in how they look and want to be fashion forward but women are also striving to be powerful and influential in some way.


"Michelle Obama." - Voguepedia. Vogue, n.d. Web. 18 Feb. 2013.

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