Monday, February 11, 2013

Should Students Have to Wear Uniforms?

           For this research paper I have decided to write about the pros and cons of having students wear uniforms to school. I have attended schools that have had uniforms and have been to schools that do you not but have a dress code instead. I think that my personal experience will give me a better insight and understanding for this topic. Some questions that I will address will be: Do having uniforms take away a persons ability to express themselves? Do having uniforms allow students to focus more on academics then what everyone else? Will schools having uniform lower the bullying rate because children will not be judged for the clothes that they wear? These are just a few of the topics that I will want to cover throughout this paper. I chose to write this paper on this topic because I wanted to choose something that is somewhat related to my major. Being an elementary education major, this is something that I may have to give my input on one day. Some of the possible sources that I can use will be articles from the board of education as well as articles and petitions signed by parents who are either for or against the use of uniforms. I also want to incorporate funny yet effective rhetorical sources in order for the reader to understand the points that are trying to be made. I hope to include some type of statistic that shows how much money the average student spends of school clothes each year and how cost of uniforms would compare.  Hopefully the audience will take away a new or better understanding for why uniforms may benefits the students as well as the parents, and how by using uniforms could possibly reduce some of the problems that’s schools are facing. 

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