Monday, February 25, 2013

Ellie's Space Jam

First off, what’s better than a kid telling you to get a new dream if yours is stupid? The answer is absolutely nothing. My sorority president emailed all of us this video a few weeks ago and it completely made my day. I think it’s so great that this company has not only gotten a funny kid to do videos but that they are sending out an inspirational message. I know for me this video helped me relieve some stress from the week and laugh even if just for a few minutes. As far as what I want my space jam to be, I have no idea yet. I am currently undecided on what my career path will be and where life may take me. However, I know that the smallest things can turn someone’s day around. I know that a simple hello or smile to a stranger can make their day. I have always lived in the shadow of my family’s “space jam” seeing as how they are all talented and making a difference in some way. I hope to find my own space jam one day and make a difference in the lives of others. I hope to be thought of as the girl who always said hello or made someone laugh. I think that it doesn’t necessarily matter what your legacy as long as it impacted someone somehow in a positive way. We aren’t all cut out to change the world and if we were I can imagine the world would be a pretty conflicted place. I think the significance of being nice and positive is overlooked and taken for granted most of the time in the bustle of life. Kid president just wants everyone to be happy and encouraging. This may be one of the most important messages I’ll hear all week and it didn’t come from a professor or expert. So no, I have no idea what my space jam will be but I know I’ll strive to make it worthwhile and memorable. 

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