Monday, February 25, 2013

Alexis Brierley Space Jam

After watching the video of the kid president, it is easy to see why it because viral so quickly. His motivational message definitely gets you thinking about how you live your life, how you interacted with people that day, and what you can do better to follow his message. He was clearly effective in his argument and I think it resonates among people because even this small kid dressed in a suit gets how to make the world a better place, and yet that still remains a mystery to people even four or five times his age. Additionally, I think it is important that this message comes from such a small kid because he is not yet influenced, we assume, by how hard the world can really be. Ever since I was little, I knew I wanted to join the Peace Corps. I guess this is something that I always knew would be my space jam. It was always attractive to me that I can help other people that are often left unspoken for. Lately, though, the peace corps has become more of an opportunity to travel to places that I never would have before, something that I also am very interested in. This video reminded me of why I really wanted to do this in the first place and that it really does help make the world a better place. Additionally, I have recently decided that I wanted to go to law school to become an International Human Rights lawyer. Although this video is extremely simplistic and focused more on your attitude towards life and how it affects other people, it definitely cemented that, although my career goals are lofty and may be hard to achieve, that helping people is something I really am interested in doing for the rest of my life. 

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