Monday, February 18, 2013

Cate marr rhetorical source

The rhetorical source I have found is an anti-bullying advertisement. It was posted on and it really related to my subject on bullying. The commercial shows a little boy with red hair getting made fun of by older guys. They call him names and make fun of his colored hair. Next to the little boy is a table full of older kids and it focuses on one guy who seems to have sympathy for the little boy being bullied. The next scene is the same situation as before. The little boy is getting made fun of by the teenagers and it the camera switches to the guy who felt bad for the little boy. This time his hair is dyed red, and when the teenagers see him they stop making fun of the little boy. This commercial proves my point that it does not take much to stop bullying. If people just do one thing as small as changing the color of their hair, then it could really make a difference in someone’s life. I would definitely use this commercial as a rhetorical source for my paper because it supports what I am trying to get across and is a reliable source from an organization. I really like this commercial because it shows people that bullying happens in an everyday situation. It also makes stopping bullying seem easy and possible if you just stand up for someone. My paper is focusing on what people can do to make bullying less of a problem. It is a good source to make people aware of this situation and hopefully get them to join the movement to help change people’s lives.

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