Thursday, January 31, 2013


The thoughts that Paolo Cardini provoked in my mind during this video were not only about his mustache and fashionable jean shirt… but also about the last time I have a conversation with someone where I only focused on what they were saying and did not check the time, my phone, or allow my mind to wander. Not only in conversations but also in various other daily activities I always have a hard time focusing on one task because it seems more efficient to do multiple things at once. I practice yoga on a regular basis, and one of the skills almost every teacher emphasizes in the beginning of class is clearing your mind and focusing only on class. The first couple of times I went it was hard for me not to look at my phone, and I would even catch myself checking my texts during a downward dog every once and awhile. Eliminating the outside world for even for just an hour seems like a struggle, especially this day in age when I can access almost anything from my iPhone. At first I always found myself wishing I could check my Twitter or Facebook newsfeed, but after a couple of minutes I forget all about the world and am totally focused. Sometimes I find myself wondering what my friends were doing or stressing about a homework assignment I knew I had to finish; it is always difficult to clear my mind. After a lot of practice, I no longer even bring my phone into the studio and I try and only think about what I am doing at that very moment. I think this concept is awesome and allows you to actually fully experience something and appreciate it, unlike when you are trying to multitask and only experiencing something partially. It is difficult for me to apply this technique to other activities because I am constantly thinking about what all I have to do in the day and how it would be simpler and more efficient to do multiple tasks at once. I think if I could apply this idea of “monotasking” to more aspects of my life I will be able to accomplish my daily tasks with more meaning.

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