Sunday, January 20, 2013

Bradley Heffron: Communication

        No matter someone’s level of education or profession the art of communication is seen everywhere and is a key component in how people interact with one another. I think that Melissa Marshall’s point about how scientists need to be able to communicate to all types of people in order for others to understand them could not be truer. Like she said they don’t need to dumb it down for us but rather just explain it in a way that makes more sense to the average person. It is important in communication that people know how to talk to people of different levels of understanding, no matter the material that they are trying to communicate. For scientists it is extremely important that they are able to clearly communicate to those who want to learn from them about issues and topics that may concern them. These are the people that are changing living everyday and people are fascinated with how these changes can affect them, but people are not necessarily being informed in the most effective way. If scientists work on how to communicate with others who do not have the same level of understanding I think that it can only benefit them and their works. It can be as simple as using different words to be more effective in trying to explain something. The audience is the key factor in how someone may choose to communicate. Teachers, while they have a great understanding of certain material know that they have to explain it in a way that their students will understand. A teacher who is explaining Biology to a high school freshman class will approach how they communicate the material differently than a teacher who is teacher advanced biology to senior biology majors in college. Communication will always be an important factor in how people interact with each other and it is a key concept that people need to be able to use. 

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