Thursday, January 17, 2013

Aubrey Smith "talk nerdy to me"

In this video, the key point of being able to communicate really stands out. I agree that we shouldn’t have to be in the dark about what scientists are researching or creating just because they can’t communicate it to use without "dumbing it down" for us. We, as a society are at a high level of intelligence but a lot of us are just the average Joe. The things these scientists are doing influence us but most of the time we don’t even know. There needs to be a middle ground where they can come and talk to us in a manner that is easy to comprehend, yet very informative and still keeps its intellectual integrity. The phrase she uses, “talk nerdy to us,” really stood out as exactly what we want. We want them to tell us about they’re new inventions, breakthroughs, and findings. If they can just translate the enthusiasm they have to us all the mystery and misunderstandings would go away. If we, the common people of America, can relate to what the scientists are doing, we will want to help further they’re research. More funding could be given to the scientists if more understanding is given first. The more we know, the more we can help. It could spark more interest in the young to take up careers in science. So many things are possible through simple communication. When a doctor tells a patient of their diagnoses they don’t say, “You have a malignant, carcinoma on your left temporal lobe.” They tell their patient that they have a fast moving, harmful cancer in their brain. Using words that the patient can comprehend, without condescending helps them to fully be aware of their condition. This is all we are asking of the scientists and researchers, to tell us straight forward what they are doing and how it related to our everyday lives.

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