Sunday, January 27, 2013

Profile Picture - Logan Smith

My current profile picture is one of my senior pictures I had taken for high school, and it’s definitely my favorite picture I have ever taken. The photo itself is black and white (total hipster move), I’m not looking at the camera (total hipster move), I’m playing guitar  (total hipster move) and there is sheet music scattered around my feet while I’m sitting on a bridge overlooking the Augusta Canal (total hipster move for us Augustans). Honestly, I feel incredibly cool and hipster when someone looks at my profile for the first time and that’s what they see. Not only do they see that I play guitar, but the picture itself was photographed by someone super talented, and honestly super talented photographers are always cool and I think it’s cool if I’m associated with one by means of my profile picture. And if I’m being totally honest, when I friended the FCA worship leader on Facebook after meeting him, I made sure that this was my profile picture solely to seem artsy and hip and talented. I’m also wearing jorts, a v-neck, a scarf and Toms. Swap the jorts for some jeans and that was my staple outfit in high school, so it was totally appropriate to wear the outfit that described quintessential Logan. In high school, guitar and Toms were two big parts of what made me, me. I was in a band for a little while and hardcore buckled down in learning how to play, and to play well over the course of high school, and I was the Toms Campus Club Leader for my high school and was seriously the initial consultant among my friends when they began to purchase the shoes. Toms also meant a ton to me because a ministry that I was heavily involved in with my church highlighted giving shoes to little kids, and I got to go to Nicaragua twice to do so, seriously letting me empathize with the Toms campaign. Ultimately, this picture is an awesome representation of not only me, but a lot of things that I was involved in over the course of high school. 

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