Sunday, January 20, 2013

Seth Rhoden "Sexy Science"

This video tackles a really important aspect of our every day lives: communication. Good communication is such an crucial part of day to day activities that it can be detrimental if we are unable to communicate with those who are spearheading our way into the future. While I personally didn't care much for her, Ms. Marshall's points on scientists being able to communicate with the average Joe were very well delivered and very true. The work being done by scientists today is essential for us moving towards the future. However, like Ms. Marshall pointed out, if they don't communicate with us what they are working on or do so in a way that uses words, phrases, "jargon", etc. that we don't understand, then how can we help them in their research? I know most people have no problem helping someone out when they know all the facts so why can't this be the case here? One technique that I picked up on from her delivery style was that while she spoke, she tried to make her topic sound sexy and attractive in a way that would entice listeners to pay more attention. Her use of phrases such as "talk nerdy to me" and "show us that your work is sexy" hint that there is something very attractive about the work being done by scientists. And this is true. But I we don't understand it, the scientists can expect no action on my part. For example, if a research scientist is going around trying to solicit money from someone for his research on deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) but somebody doesn't know what that is they are less likely to give him the money. But if he explains that he is trying to learn how to prevent mutations to prevent issues from occurring in young children, then obviously the person would feel better knowing to what and where their money was going (poor example but I used to be a Bio major).

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