Friday, January 25, 2013


My Facebook profile picture is my sister and I this fall when we went to the Food and Wine Festival in Disney World. We are in Epcot near Japan and just beginning our long exciting day. I made this my profile picture when I returned from the trip because it was such a fun time and this was my favorite picture because of the pretty foliage in the background and I think it was a great picture of my sister and I. By simply looking at the picture you wouldn’t necessary know where we were posing or who the girl was, but by clicking on my photo you would be able to see my sister tagged. The background of the photo enables viewers of my page to infer we were in a warm climate, which shows that I enjoy being in the sun. Also having my sister in the picture shows she is important to me and I want to share that with my Facebook friends. If you did not know me and saw this photo it would provoke many different thoughts. The typical Facebook creeper may wonder if I live somewhere near where this was taken, who the other person is, was this a special occasion, or why was this picture significant enough to be my default. If I were to guess the inferences people make about this picture, I think they would assume the picture was taken in a place that is significant to me with a girl that I am a close friend with. I think the message of this photo is that I am a person who thinks the friendships I have made are a significant part of my life, and that I can appreciate the simpler things in life, such as beautiful plants and places. 

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