Monday, January 28, 2013

Facebook Profile Picture

My facebook profile picture is a picture of me and my best friend Courtney during a vacation to Key West with her family during our senior spring break. I feel that my picture exemplifies us having a good time. By our smiles you can tell that we were enjoying ourselves. Our clothing and tans show that we were obviously in a warmer setting and our sunglasses also show that the sun was out and it was a very bright day. The picture shows that we are in a fun environment which would lead people to believe that I enjoy doing fun things with my friends. There are many people in the background, so we are in a crowded place with a lot of activity going on around us. The picture also shows that I enjoy being in sunny and warm places. I believe that the picture represents me as a person who values their friends highly and enjoys their company. I hold my friends close to my heart and consider them like family. Our clothing and the way that we are dressed also says a lot about who I am as an individual. I am wearing a black shirt and this represents the fact that my go-to color for clothing is black. The red shorts show that I enjoy wearing bright colors in small doses and that can also represent a little bit of spunk in my personality. The fact that I am wearing a watch shows how much that I value my watches and how I wear one every day, which leads to how important I feel that time is to me. My relaxed wavy hair would support the fact that I have a very relaxed and down to earth personality and attitude towards many things in my life. I believe that the way the picture portrays me is pretty much just how I am.

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