Monday, January 28, 2013

A Picture is Worth 353 Words.


            In this profile picture we see a message of friendship. This good looking young man in the navy blue shirt wants to show his friends that he cares enough about the time that they spent together that he is going to set this photo as his profile picture so everyone can see it. There are eight people in this photo, which is representing the fact that he loves people. Each person has a different pose, some are serious, but some are supposed to be funny. For instance, the girl who is in the hole in the ground with a ridiculous grin on her face is obviously having a great time. The rest of us are doing our best to look like models. The personalities seen in this picture by the young man’s friends give you a taste of what he is like, and the type of people he likes to be with. He is saying that he likes people who are laid back and fun to be around.
            This scene takes place on an old railroad car within a beautiful wooded scene. This shows that he is an adventurous young man. He is not wearing clothes that one would usually see on an “outdoorsman.” He is wearing clothes that one would usually see on an athlete, or someone who likes to dress himself in a relaxed manner. Based on the colors of his clothes he loves his school. He is rocking orange kicks and a pair of orange shorts; this shows that his sense of fashion is up to date. If you look closely at his T-shirt you will see volleyball. He loves to stay active and especially play volleyball.
            Notice the location of the young man on the railroad car. He is taking a very daring stance, exposing himself to a dreadful fall, representing his daring personality. He is obviously not scared of heights.
            Pictures represent a thousand words. You can tell a lot about a person through a Facebook picture. In this case I would say that we learned a lot about Jake Strawderman based off of his Facebook profile picture.

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