Thursday, January 24, 2013

Aubrey profile pic

          My Facebook profile picture is simple and care free. I just recently changed it to this picture after the three day weekend we had. I went down to Charleston with my roommate and neighbor. The picture shows me standing on top of a mountain of rocks with my arms outspread, staring up at the sky. It shows a side of me I don’t feel like I show a lot. I am normally very stressed about school and many other things in general, but this picture shows me without a care in the world. I look happy even though you can’t really see my face. I found the picture to be beautiful and it made me feel beautiful so I made it my profile picture for all of my friends to see. Most of the picture is the deep blue sky with white puffy clouds and then me standing among them. I felt in that moment that there wasn’t anything I couldn’t accomplish or overcome. I hoped by putting this as my profile picture that all of my friends would see and feel the same things I did. This picture is so different than the ones I normally have. Normally I have pictures with me and my boyfriend but he goes to Stanford now and I don’t have any recent ones with him. This picture symbolizes the new me that is on my own for the most part, and is trying to discover who I am as a person. I was always the girlfriend, sister, daughter, friend... but now I’m just me, Aubrey, learning things about myself I never knew. I feel like by putting this as my picture I am showing everyone who I am and what I want to be. My roommate took this picture of me and I wasn’t really posing for the photo. She took it without me knowing and surprisingly it was amazing and captivating all at the same time.

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