Monday, January 14, 2013

Mcdonald's Advertisement

The advertisement I chose is of Mcdonald’s new cheeseburger the “Big Tasty”. It comes off as an intense, huge burger that would really satisfy a person when starving. The name alone is considered persuasive because it describes the burger as something delicious. It also seems that people in society are attracted to anything bigger and better. With the name “Big Tasty” people will automatically be drawn to it. Another common way to persuade people is with anyone who is thought of as attractive. If someone’s favorite celebrity is on the ad, then most likely it will make them want to purchase the product. With this good looking male on the ad, it could draw women toward the burger. It could also draw men in because if a guy who is good looking and who women like eats the burger, then they should too. The picture of the burger makes it look very appealing, especially if you were hungry. If you actually got a burger at Mcdonalds, it most likely would not look the way it does in that picture. The advertiser made sure the burger was up close, big and every part of the burger to look perfect. Not only are the pictures appealing but the diction is also an important part of this advertisement. “Creamy”,“Smokey”, and “Juiciest” are all adjectives to make ordinary ingredients seem better. Even the phrase “Come satisfy your hunger” makes it seem like this is the perfect food to eat to make you happy. The font is big and bold so that it catches the eye and it gives off a look that the burger is worth trying. Overall this advertiser worked with as many resources that he could. Every detail in this advertisement was well thought out and very persuasive. It almost makes me want to try it out.

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