Monday, January 14, 2013


This Dos Equis advertisement uses multiple strategies attempting to persuade the consumer. The company uses an illustration to show the consumer if they choose to purchase and drink Dos Equis beer they could become the most interesting man in the world. A cause and effect is also used to illustrate the difference that may come about by drinking Dos Equis. The consumer sees an elderly man with two young women claiming to be interesting therefore attractive. This may convince consumers to purchase the beer in an attempt to be more appealing to the opposite sex and entertain others. Dos Equis has also created television advertisements using this same man and the slogan “the most interesting man in the world.” In today’s society it seems that the most effective way to persuade people to buy or do anything is by showing them an attractive person buying or doing that thing. This instills the idea that if anybody purchases the product they too have the chance to be more popular, better looking, more successful, and so on. The caption “stay thirsty my friends” gives consumers the idea that any man or woman drinking this beer is personable and approachable. It also gives the impression that anyone drinking Dos Equis is friendly and happy. This ad in particular has become increasingly popular, inspiring men to dress up as the most interesting man for halloween and is also quoted in conversation. All in all, the advertisements are typically entertaining. Unfortunately, some consumers believe in what the ad is selling and believe if they drink Dos Equis they will automatically become more attractive and have the ability to perform the impossible. In reality, simply drinking any beverage, not necessarily this beer, cannot transform anyone into something they are not. This being said, these kinds of advertisements do seem to give everyday consumers an extra boost of confidence.  

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