Monday, January 28, 2013

Emily Kalshoven - Facebook Profile Picture


In my Facebook profile picture, I am standing with my older brother, Jon, inside a sky-bridge in Davenport, Iowa. This sky-bridge allows pedestrians to safely cross a six-lane highway four stories in the air and takes you out right near the edge of the Mississippi River. This picture was taken after Christmas and a big snowstorm.
I believe that my profile picture appeals to pathos because it shows the sort of sibling bond that my older brother and I share and have always shared. I believe that this picture shows a pretty good representation of the way that my brother and I act around each other. I’m always trying to keep both of my brothers in line and they both always act goofy in spite of my efforts. Anyone that knows my family can understand this picture and the truth behind the emotions in our faces.
I also believe that my profile picture sends the message that I am very different from my older brother. A large amount of my wardrobe consists of blacks and blues, while my brother wears more neutral tones. While I am somewhat standoffish, my brother is more open and inviting to new people and things.  I feel that although my wardrobe may send the message that I could seem difficult to confront, I’m a very cheery and loving person. I feel that my profile picture may be a subconscious effort to prove to people that don’t know me very well that I am actually very kind.
Based on the time of the year that this photo was taken, I believe that my profile picture also appeals to kairos. This picture was taken around Christmas time in Iowa, there is snow on the ground outside. It’s kind of like my picture appeals to the idea that everyone wants a “White Christmas” and it is a sort of typical Christmas-time photo.

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