Saturday, January 26, 2013

Prof Pic - Seth Rhoden

Although this is not my current profile picture, I chose to use it because I felt like I could talk about more about this picture than the one I had currently selected as mine. This picture was taken last summer while I was on a leadership trip in Israel and is taken atop Mt. Nebo which is the mountain where God told Moses he could see the Promise Land (Israel) that he would never be able to enter because of his unfaithfulness. Now with one look, no one would automatically be able to identify that place as Mt. Nebo which I think is kind of special because it is a place that many people in the States have never seen or will get the chance to visit. By looking the attire that I am wearing (i.e. sunglasses, hat, backpack, name tag, etc) somebody could deduct that I was traveling. Traveling is one of my most favorite things to do so somebody would be able to learn that I enjoy traveling. The next key feature in this picture is the Tiger Rag that I and my buddy are holding. Many people relate the tiger paw back to Clemson and for everyone who knows me, they know that I am a huge Clemson. This act of carrying my Tiger Rag with me to places I travel has become sort of a tradition for me because I love supporting my Tigers regardless of where I am. To someone who doesn't know me or couldn't see the picture's caption: "Taking the Tigers to the Promised Land," they may not have a clue about why this picture was my profile picture. However the message is simple. This picture represents the great time that was had traveling and studying in Israel and also my love for Clemson.

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