Sunday, January 27, 2013

Cate Marr Profile Pic

This is my current profile picture that I just uploaded last night. It is probably one of my favorite pictures for a couple reasons. The boy next to me is my boyfriend and we have been dating for a year and a half. We had been planning for a while to go hiking on the Table Rock trail. Every weekend it's either bad weather or we are too busy. Finally yesterday we got to go! This picture is us at the top. I think it captures us really well. I am not a very outdoorsy girl and my boyfriend always makes fun of me for it. I almost gave up a few times on the way because it was not an easy hike up. My boyfriend kept motivating me by saying I was going to get the perfect picture once we get to the top because he knows how much I love taking pictures. This one just makes me smile because at that moment we were so happy about finally getting to the top. It was so beautiful and breathtaking. The mountains we overlooked were unbelievable and the scenery was incredible. You can see we are standing on Table Rock and behind us are the rolling hills that overlook the Carolinas. This picture describes us so well. We love South Carolina more than anything and being on top seeing it all was amazing for us. We are both very casual and we have a laid-back relationship. You can just tell in the picture we are carefree and happy to be together in that moment. He has been a diehard Clemson fan his whole life and he is wearing his favorite Clemson hat I gave him. I am wearing my favorite sorority T-shirt because I am proud to be a Kappa Kappa Gamma. This picture just shows how great our relationship is because we have a lot of fun together and take risks. We look a lot of pictures up on the top of Table Rock but this is the one I chose for my profile picture. I chose it because all in all it represents that moment perfectly and us as a couple and best friends.

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