Monday, January 28, 2013

Ellie Mintz's Profile Picture

Normally people begin their facebook creep sessions by looking at the person’s profile pictures. I don’t know if people creep on me but I think mine gives a pretty good impression. This picture was taken before my sorority’s (Alpha Chi Omega) semiformal in November. This was obviously pre-semiformal since me and my boyfriend are still looking pretty put together and clean. I mean, everyone knows dances get kind of crazy right? I chose this picture because it captures a fun night with sisters and my boyfriend. I also chose this picture because it was the first more serious function I had to opportunity to attend. It was hard to choose a picture from that night to make my profile picture though since so many were taken. Anyway, the smiles on both of our faces clearly indicate we are happy or at least pretending to be. All the people around us show that the pre-party was considerably crowded and not easily maneuvered meaning it took a ton of skill to take this picture. I actually think Lex is the one who took this picture which means I was surrounded by my sorority sisters and friends. I think the sentimental value expressed in this picture can be seen by random facebook creepers too. Much like prom or homecoming in high school, semiformals and formals are looked forward to and get everyone excited. The rush of finding a date and getting dressed up is just too much to resist, even if the boys refuse to admit it. I think this appeals to people’s more reminiscent side and allows those that have already experienced college to remember what it was like to be in my shoes. It also gives those that have yet to experience college something to look forward to in the future. Overall, this picture is definitely one of my favorites and will probably stay as my profile picture for a little while longer. 

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