Monday, January 21, 2013

Emily Griffin Communication

In Melissa Marshall’s TEDTalk she addresses the issue of communication in todays society. Before watching this video I never thought of communication being a problem. However, after listening to Ms. Marshall’s argument, I agree with her. In today’s world people just expect others to understand what they are saying. Even I have experienced this dilemma. For example, over Christmas break I was helping my sister with her math homework and on one of the problems she could not figure out the answer. I explained to her what the question was asking but she still looked at me with a blank stare in her eyes. I thought to myself how did she not understand what I just said? I became frustrated with her and eventually gave up trying to help her. I never considered the fact that I am three years older than her and have a higher level of understanding in math. I think this is a perfect example of what Ms. Marshall is trying to say. The scientists and engineers have such a high level of understanding on their material that they just expect everyone else to know exactly what they are talking about. Then when people do not understand, scientists feel they have to “dumb the information down.” However that is not the case. Scientist and engineers must realize that not everyone knows as much as they do about their subject. Just like they might not understand everything a lawyer does. If these scientists and engineers take the time to become aware of this, and help people understand what they are working on, they would be able to accomplish so much more. The more people understand, the more they will want to get involved, help, etc. Also, I really like how Ms. Marshall presented her argument. Instead of just standing up their and talking, she utilized power points, enticing language, and humor. She made her audience want to listen to what she had to say.

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