Monday, January 14, 2013

Reena- Advertisement

To promote their product, a telescope, Orion uses visual rhetoric along with the strategies of example/illustration and even pathos.  The ad shows pictures, apparently through the lenses of an Orion telescope, at three different magnifications (200x, 400x, 800x), and then a close up of a portion of the 800x magnification. According to this advertisement, thanks to Orion telescopes, we may now clearly see that the American flag was made in China. Although this might offend some people, others might find the irony quite humorous. Who would have thought? Is it really thanks to Orion telescopes that we may notice such a deal? Are the lenses truly as powerful as they make it out to be in the advertisement? There are two main ways to find out: buy their product, or ask the guy who did. Maybe, instead of portraying that we may see, through Orion telescopes, where the American flag was made, It is just putting it out there just in case anybody wanted to see the fine print for themselves…but not just on any flag, the one on our moon! But of course if you want to accomplish that, you might want to purchase an Orion telescope, it is like none other…unless they are just the only ones with this powerful ad. Ever wonder if the pictures are even real? Well they probably are, but are they real pictures from the perspective of a real person using a real Orion telescope? That’s for Orion to know, and for the audience to purchase the telescope and find out their dang selves. Why would they tell you? It ruins the fun, the surprise, the curiosity, and possibly your consideration. It gives you that small window of options for knowing for yourself because no other information is given. The ad is strictly limited to pictures and magnification description of those pictures. There is literally nothing else to do but think, “Hmm, I wonder if I can really see what it says I can see…only one way to find out.” You then purchase the product, Orion is satisfied, and you, the consumer, is probably not; though, and unsatisfied customer can backfire towards the company.

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