Sunday, January 27, 2013

Emily Griffin Profile Picture

My profile picture is a picture of my boyfriend and I from when I was home over October break. The picture was taken on the last night I was home before going out to dinner. In the picture I am on his back and he is holding me in a sort of piggy-back fashion. We are both in warm clothes so it can be inferred that it was cold outside. Also, in the background there is a painting on the wall and fire place mantle underneath it, so people looking at the picture know it was taken somewhere inside. In addition, viewers may wonder who is taking the picture, but our carefree appearance displays that the photographer is someone close to us. At first glance of the picture it is not clear who the guy is. I am holding him tight, so it is clear that he is someone I care about. However, after taking a closer look people will see that the same guy I am in a relationship with on Facebook is also tagged in the picture. Once it is established that the picture is of my boyfriend and I, an appeal to pathos is established. The picture may create an emotional connection to a viewer which causes them to think about a loved one in their own life. In the picture we are both smiling, which displays how happy we are. Someone looking at this picture may also feel a sense of happiness towards their significant other. In addition, including my boyfriend in my profile picture exhibits that he is important to me and that I am not afraid to show him off to others. The message behind the picture is that I am a type of person who cares about their relationships and enjoys other peoples company.

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